

The Fundación General CSIC publishes the monograph "El ritmo de la senectud" (The rhythm of senescence)

The Fundación General CSIC publishes the monograph "El ritmo de la senectud" (The rhythm of senescence)

The extension of individual life spans and the consequent aging process offer some of the most exciting challenges facing science today. Under these premises, the Fundación General CSIC has published the monograph "The rhythm of senescence", an interdisciplinary look at research into aging that brings together the reflections of 17 leading scientists on the relevant questions that research must answer in relation to seniors, longevity and the changes that have taken place over biographical, generational and historical time.

Can we delay senescence, what are the main modulators of senescence, and does gender profile have two forms of aging? To answer these questions, the monograph is structured in three chapters, accompanied by an introduction and a closing with conclusions.

In the first of the chapters, the experts reflect on the limits of human life, the onset of senescence and what we can learn from very long-lived populations. In the second, they analyze the modulators of senescence both from the point of view of individual lifestyles and good practices and from the conditioning factors or facilitators that come from the physical and social environment. And finally, in the third chapter, the researchers present the questions opened up by the different trajectories of senescence of men and women in their relationship with longevity, health and the resources with which they reach it.

This monograph is part of the Fundación General CSIC's Active Aging program, which aims to promote the development of interdisciplinary research and the relationship between science and society in this field, and specifically the "International Centre on Ageing" (CENIE) project, part of the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) INTERREG V-A Spain - Portugal (POCTEP) 2014-2020 program.

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